Till death do us part

When we took those vows a lifetime ago, it was unfortunate he didn't mean some of them (you know, the little ones like promising to be true in good times and in bad and forsaking all others) as much as he evidently meant "till death do us part." We're now eighteen months post divorce filing and I'm no closer than I was then to having a legal change of marital status.

At this point the only logical thing to do (other than cry, of course) is to revel in the absurdity and learn to blog about it. That and write a book of all the things I've been tempted to say along the way of trying to get unmarried, but have refrained from saying because I'm committed to staying on the high road. And if, in the end, I become a bajillionaire off the book "Emails to my Ex," well I'll just consider it karmic justice.

One of these days I'm going to manage to get divorced. Until then, I'm still married...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

If Frank Warren can do it, I can too.

Author Frank Warren invited people to anonymously contribute a secret to a local art project (Post Secret).  The response was overwhelmingly positive.  If it worked for him, I'm pretty sure it ought to work for me too...so here I am inviting you to send me letters or emails that you wish you'd sent, but didn't because you knew the divorce process was hard enough and it didn't need any extra pot stirring on your end.  Perhaps your email needs a preamble paragraph to set it up or maybe your email stands alone and needs no accessorizing explanation.  Share whatever strikes you.  The sadness, the grief, the disillusionment of how life was supposed to be, the anger, frustration, the feelings and thoughts that make no sense logically, but can't be denied from the heart. 

Email them to me and with your permission I'll share them here.  Then we'll create a book as testimony to the strength and hope that endures even in the face of sheer heart ache. 


  1. What part about ' forsaking all others," did you misunderstand?

  2. Sometimes it's a difficult concept to grasp, I guess.
