Till death do us part

When we took those vows a lifetime ago, it was unfortunate he didn't mean some of them (you know, the little ones like promising to be true in good times and in bad and forsaking all others) as much as he evidently meant "till death do us part." We're now eighteen months post divorce filing and I'm no closer than I was then to having a legal change of marital status.

At this point the only logical thing to do (other than cry, of course) is to revel in the absurdity and learn to blog about it. That and write a book of all the things I've been tempted to say along the way of trying to get unmarried, but have refrained from saying because I'm committed to staying on the high road. And if, in the end, I become a bajillionaire off the book "Emails to my Ex," well I'll just consider it karmic justice.

One of these days I'm going to manage to get divorced. Until then, I'm still married...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The journey begins

As it turns out, once given the self made place to put all the emails I’ve wanted to send over the last two years, I’ve found myself at a loss as to what to actually say.  For the most part the emails I’ve often wanted to send weren’t really all that impressive from a literary standpoint.  In fact, the majority of which were probably run on sentences crammed full of four letter words and other close colorful cousins that I don’t often use day to day.  You all can probably swear a blue streak on your own, if need be, so there’s not much point in that…I guess it’ll be an interesting journey to see where this takes us then.